1.
"Love
is
not
a
commodity
to
be
bought
and
sold,
it
is
a
priceless
gift
that
should
be
cherished
and
nurtured.
"】
2.
"No
amount
of
money
can
guarantee
true
love
and
happiness.
"】
3.
"Love
is
not
a
transaction,
it
is
an
experience
that
cannot
be
quantified
by
money.
"】
4.
"The
richest
person
in
the
world
cannot
purchase
true
love
and
contentment.
"】
5.
"Love
is
not
about
what
you
have,
but
about
who
you
are
with.
"】
6.
"Money
may
buy
temporary
satisfaction,
but
it
cannot
buy
everlasting
love
and
loyalty.
"】
7.
"True
love
is
measured
by
the
depth
of
the
heart,
not
the
depth
of
the
wallet.
"】
8.
"Money
may
attract
people,
but
it
cannot
make
people
truly
love
and
respect
you.
"】
9.
"In
matters
of
the
heart,
money
is
irrelevant.
"】
10.
"True
love
is
a
feeling
that
money
cannot
replicate.
"】
11.
"The
most
valuable
things
in
life,
like
love
and
happiness,
cannot
be
bought
with
money.
"】
12.
"Lavishing
gifts
on
someone
cannot
make
up
for
a
lack
of
true
affection
and
connection.
"】
13.
"Money
can
provide
comfort
and
convenience,
but
it
cannot
buy
genuine
love
and
passion.
"】
14.
"True
love
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
trust,
respect,
and
mutual
understanding,
not
material
possessions.
"】
15.
"Without
love,
money
is
meaningless
and
empty.
"】
16.
"While
money
can
open
doors,
only
love
can
make
them
worth
going
through.
"】
17.
"True
love
is
not
a
luxury
item
that
can
be
purchased,
it
is
a
basic
human
need
that
cannot
be
bought.
"】
18.
"Love
is
not
a
currency
that
can
be
traded,
it
is
a
feeling
that
must
be
freely
given
and
received.
"】
19.
"Money
cannot
create
love,
but
love
can
create
abundance
and
prosperity.
"】
20.
"True
love
is
a
priceless
treasure
that
cannot
be
bought
with
all
the
money
in
the
world.
"】