.jpg)
1.
"We
hold
our
phones
more
than
we
hold
hands.
"
【想必放下手机生活不容易】
2.
"Our
attention
span
is
now
shorter
than
that
of
a
goldfish,
all
thanks
to
our
phones.
"
【放下手机生活不容易啊】
3.
"People
now
use
their
phones
as
a
safety
blanket,
unwilling
to
face
the
world
without
it.
"
【要想放下手机,生活就不容易了】
4.
"Our
phones
have
become
a
constant
companion,
an
addiction
we
can't
seem
to
break.
"
【放低手机,生活更容易】
5.
"We
are
so
busy
capturing
life
through
our
phones,
we
forget
to
actually
live
it.
"
【放下手机,生活才能有价值】
6.
"Phones
may
bring
us
closer,
but
they
also
push
us
further
apart.
"
【拥抱生活,放下手机】
7.
"Our
phones
have
become
a
crutch
for
our
social
skills,
leaving
us
helpless
without
them.
"
【别让手机成为生活的枷锁】
8.
"We've
become
so
accustomed
to
checking
our
phones,
we
do
it
without
even
realizing.
"
【放下手机,放松心灵】
9.
"Our
phones
have
replaced
genuine
human
connection,
leaving
us
feeling
more
alone
than
ever.
"
【生活需要人与人的沟通,而非手机的陪伴】
10.
"We've
started
to
value
our
phones
more
than
ourselves,
forgetting
to
disconnect
and
recharge
our
own
batteries.
"
【没有手机,生活必定精彩】
11.
"Our
phones
serve
as
a
distraction,
preventing
us
from
fully
experiencing
the
beauty
of
the
world
around
us.
"
【享受生活,就要学会放下手机】
12.
"We've
developed
a
false
sense
of
security
through
our
phones,
forgetting
that
true
security
lies
within
ourselves.
"
【对自己充满信心,才能摆脱对手机的依赖】
13.
"Phones
have
become
a
shield,
protecting
us
from
discomfort
instead
of
teaching
us
how
to
face
it
head-on.
"
【人生没有逃避,我们需要学会直面困难】
14.
"Our
phones
have
made
us
busy,
but
not
necessarily
productive.
"
【学会分清轻重缓急,才能让生活更美好】
15.
"We've
replaced
quality
time
with
loved
ones
with
mindless
scrolling
through
social
media.
"
【与亲朋好友共度美好时光,才是幸福的生活】
16.
"Our
phones
have
given
us
access
to
the
world,
but
have
also
limited
our
view
of
it.
"
【注意力专注的范围决定着人生的境遇】
17.
"We've
become
so
obsessed
with
capturing
the
perfect
photo
for
Instagram
that
we
forget
to
enjoy
the
actual
moment.
"
【生活就是要放松,不需要给别人留下完美的印象】
18.
"Phones
have
become
a
source
of
validation,
leading
us
to
place
our
worth
in
the
hands
of
others.
"
【我们要相信自己、肯定自己,不需要走在别人的路上】
19.
"We've
started
to
view
the
world
through
the
lens
of
our
phones,
instead
of
seeing
it
for
what
it
truly
is.
"
【摘下眼镜,看看真实的世界】
20.
"Our
phones
may
be
a
tool,
but
they
shouldn't
be
our
entire
life.
"
【放下手机,真正去体验生活吧】