1.
"The
moon
is
a
loyal
companion.
It
never
leaves.
It’s
always
there,
watching,
steadfast,
knowing
us
in
our
light
and
dark
moments,
changing
forever
just
as
we
do.
Every
day
it’s
a
different
version
of
itself.
"
-
Tahereh
Mafi
【moon】
2.
"I
love
the
smell
of
possibility
in
the
morning.
"
-
Lindsey
Kelk
【possibility】
3.
"The
ocean
is
everything
want
to
be.
Beautiful,
mysterious,
wild
and
free.
"
-
Unknown
【ocean】
4.
"The
stars
are
the
streetlights
of
eternity.
"
-
Unknown
【stars】
5.
"She
was
beautiful,
not
because
of
the
way
she
looked,
but
because
of
the
way
she
was.
Her
smile
and
her
heart.
"
-
Unknown
【beauty】
6.
"The
best
moments
in
my
life
are
the
ones
when
feel
like
the
universe
has
stopped,
and
all
can
see,
feel,
and
hear
are
the
colors
of
my
surroundings.
"
-
Unknown
【moments】
7.
"The
beauty
you
see
in
me
is
a
reflection
of
you.
"
-
Rumi
【beauty】
8.
"Perhaps
the
best
moments
are
when
you’re
in
the
darkness
and
you
find
the
smallest
glimmer
of
light.
"
-
Melinda
Gates
【light】
9.
"In
the
end,
we’ll
all
become
stories.
"
-
Margaret
Atwood
【stories】
10.
"The
darkest
nights
produce
the
brightest
stars.
"
-
Unknown
【stars】
11.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"
-
Leonardo
da
Vinci
【simplicity】
12.
"The
sunrise,
of
course,
doesn’t
care
if
we
watch
it
or
not.
It
will
keep
on
being
beautiful,
even
if
no
one
bothers
to
look
at
it.
"
-
Gene
Amole
【sunrise】
13.
"It
is
not
the
mountain
we
conquer
but
ourselves.
"
-
Sir
Edmund
Hillary
【mountain】
14.
"The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
not
things.
They’re
people,
places,
memories
and
pictures.
They’re
feelings
and
moments
and
smiles
and
laughter.
"
-
Unknown
【beauty】
15.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we’ve
been,
and
the
memories
we’ve
made
along
the
way.
"
-
Unknown
【memories】
16.
"I
am
not
a
morning
person,
but
the
promise
of
a
new
day
is
always
worth
waking
up
for.
"
-
Unknown
【morning】
17.
"I
find
peace
in
the
rain.
"
-
Unknown
【rain】
18.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【happiness】
19.
"In
the
right
light,
at
the
right
time,
everything
is
extraordinary.
"
-
Aaron
Rose
【extraordinary】
20.
"Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【nature】