1.
"I
wish
knew
how
to
quit
you.
"
-
Brokeback
Mountain
【爱情的结局总是令人感到无奈】
2.
"Here's
looking
at
you,
kid.
"
-
Casablanca
【有时候,只需要一句话就足够触动人心】
3.
"I
love
you
without
knowing
how,
or
when,
or
from
where.
love
you
simply,
without
problems
or
pride.
"
-
Pablo
Neruda
【爱情的力量是无所不能的】
4.
"You
had
me
at
hello.
"
-
Jerry
Maguire
【爱情的开始往往只需要一眼的相遇】
5.
"Maybe
some
women
aren't
meant
to
be
tamed.
Maybe
they
just
need
to
run
free
until
they
find
someone
just
as
wild
to
run
with
them.
"
-
Sex
and
the
City
【真正的爱情是自由和平等的】
6.
"There
is
a
place
where
the
sidewalk
ends
and
before
the
street
begins,
and
there
the
grass
grows
soft
and
white,
and
there
the
sun
burns
crimson
bright,
and
there
the
moon-bird
rests
from
his
flight
to
cool
in
the
peppermint
wind.
"
-
Shel
Silverstein
【爱情中有时候需要停下脚步,凝望身边的美景】
7.
"I
don't
know
how
to
say
goodbye,
just
know
I'll
miss
you.
"
-
My
Best
Friend's
Wedding
【相爱容易相处难,分别更是令人心疼】
8.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
love
all
of
them.
.
.
both
the
good
and
the
bad.
"
-
Fault
in
Our
Stars
【真正的爱情是接纳对方的一切,无论是好还是坏】
9.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
-
The
Notebook
【真正的爱情是经得起时间考验的】
10.
"If
you're
a
bird,
I'm
a
bird.
"
-
The
Notebook
【爱情需要彼此承认对方的存在和存在意义】
11.
"Take
love,
multiply
it
by
infinity
and
take
it
to
the
depths
of
forever…and
you
still
have
only
a
glimpse
of
how
feel
for
you.
"
-
Meet
Joe
Black
【爱情是无边无际的,可以超越时间和空间】
12.
"I
love
you,
but
love
myself
more.
"
-
Sex
and
the
City
【爱情中也需要爱自己,才能真正拥抱幸福】
13.
"I
wish
had
done
everything
on
Earth
with
you.
"
-
The
Great
Gatsby
【有些人就是注定要在一起,无论悲欢离合】
14.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-
Walk
to
Remember
【爱情是一种感受,无需理性解释】
15.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
-
Moulin
Rouge!
【爱情不是单向的,只有相互才能真正感受到幸福】
16.
"You
make
me
want
to
be
a
better
man.
"
-
As
Good
As
It
Gets
【爱情可以改变一切,甚至可以让我们变得更好】
17.
"I
could
die
right
now,
Clem.
I'm
just.
.
.
happy.
I've
never
felt
that
before.
I'm
just
exactly
where
want
to
be.
"
-
Eternal
Sunshine
of
the
Spotless
Mind
【真正的爱情可以让我们找到内心深处的平静与满足】
18.
"Love
isn't
just
a
feeling.
It's
an
art.
And
like
any
art,
it
takes
not
only
inspiration
but
also
a
lot
of
work.
"
-
Comet
【非常之爱需要不断地经营和维护】
19.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
-
The
Notebook
【真正的爱情是经得起时间考验的】
20.
"You
are
the
answer
to
every
prayer
I've
offered.
You
are
a
song,
a
dream,
a
whisper,
and
don't
know
how
could
have
lived
without
you
for
as
long
as
have.
"
-
The
Notebook
【爱情不仅是幸福和美好,更是一种宗教和信仰】