1.
"Let's
meet
again
as
strangers,
with
curious
eyes
and
open
minds.
"【再次相遇,我们做陌生人,用好奇的眼神和开放的心态相识。
】
2.
"Farewell
doesn't
have
to
be
the
end,
it
can
also
be
a
new
beginning.
"【告别不一定是终点,它也可以是新的起点。
】
3.
"In
saying
goodbye,
we
make
space
for
fresh
beginnings
and
new
adventures.
"【说再见,让我们有了新的机会和更多新的冒险。
】
4.
"Every
farewell
is
a
chance
to
grow
and
evolve,
to
discover
a
little
bit
more
about
ourselves
and
the
world.
"【每次告别都是成长和发展的机会,为我们探索自我和这个世界提供了更多的机会。
】
5.
"There
is
beauty
in
the
bittersweetness
of
goodbye,
a
reminder
of
all
the
moments
that
made
us
feel
truly
alive.
"【告别的苦涩中也有美丽,在这里我们回忆起所有让我们感到真正活着的时刻。
】
6.
"Sometimes,
goodbye
is
the
only
way
to
make
room
for
something
even
better.
"【有时,告别是为了腾出空间,让更好的事物出现。
】
7.
"Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it
is
a
necessary
step
on
the
path
to
growth
and
transformation.
"【告别从来都不容易,但是它是成长和转变的必要之路。
】
8.
"Every
goodbye
carries
with
it
the
seed
of
a
new
hello,
a
fresh
opportunity
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"【每次告别都携带着新的机会,等待着我们去发现。
】
9.
"The
end
of
one
chapter
is
always
the
beginning
of
another,
and
there
is
beauty
to
be
found
in
both.
"【一个篇章的结束总是另一个篇章的开始,两者都充满了美丽。
】
10.
"Goodbye
is
not
forever,
it
is
just
a
moment
in
time
where
we
must
part
ways
and
trust
that
fate
will
bring
us
back
together
again.
"【告别并不是永远的,它只是一段时间,我们必须放手走开,相信命运会让我们再次相遇。
】
11.
"When
we
say
goodbye,
we
take
a
piece
of
each
other
with
us,
a
reminder
of
the
love
and
connection
we
shared.
"【当我们说再见时,我们会带着对方的一部分走,它提醒我们分享的爱和联系。
】
12.
"Farewells
are
like
stepping
stones,
guiding
us
on
the
path
to
our
destiny
and
helping
us
to
become
who
we
were
meant
to
be.
"【告别像是跨步的石头,引导着我们走向命运的道路,帮助我们成为注定的自己。
】
13.
"In
wishing
someone
goodbye,
we
are
really
wishing
them
well
on
their
journey,
wherever
that
may
take
them.
"【在告别时,我们真正希望他们在旅途中一切顺利,无论他们的目的地在哪里。
】
14.
"Goodbye
may
seem
like
the
end,
but
it
is
really
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
story,
waiting
to
be
told.
"【告别可能看起来像是结束,但它真正代表的是一个新故事的开始,正在等待我们去书写。
】
15.
"As
we
say
goodbye,
we
release
the
past
and
embrace
the
present,
with
its
infinite
possibilities
and
opportunities.
"【当我们告别时,我们释放过去,拥抱当下,感受它的无限可能和机遇。
】
16.
"In
saying
farewell,
we
allow
ourselves
to
be
vulnerable,
to
feel
the
fullness
of
our
emotions
and
the
depth
of
our
connection
to
others.
"【告别让我们变得脆弱,让我们感受到情感和人际关系的深度。
】
17.
"Sometimes,
saying
goodbye
is
the
bravest
thing
we
can
do,
letting
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
us
and
creating
space
for
something
better.
"【有时,告别是我们能做的最勇敢的事情,让我们放手不再依赖那些已经不再对我们有益的东西,为更好的事情腾出空间。
】
18.
"When
we
say
goodbye,
we
open
ourselves
up
to
new
experiences
and
possibilities,
and
honor
the
journey
that
has
brought
us
to
this
moment.
"【当我们告别时,我们为自己开启新的体验和机会,并尊重我们走到这一刻的旅程。
】
19.
"Goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it
is
simply
a
chapter
in
the
story
of
our
lives,
waiting
to
be
written.
"【告别不是结束,它只是我们生命故事中的一个章节,等待着被书写。
】
20.
"Farewell
is
a
reminder
that
we
are
all
connected,
bound
together
by
the
threads
of
love
and
experience
that
make
us
who
we
are.
"【告别让我们记住,我们彼此相连,才能成为今天的自己。
】