1.
“Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
they
are
just
temporary
absences
that
make
reunion
even
more
special.
”
【鸣离】
2.
“Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
for
it
means
we
shall
meet
again.
”
【奥斯汀】
3.
“Farewell
may
seem
forever.
But
it
is
merely
the
time
we
need
to
say
goodbye
and
welcome
a
new
hello.
”
【穆丽】
4.
“Distance
may
keep
us
apart,
but
our
memories
together
will
keep
us
close
at
heart.
”
【雨霖】
5.
“The
hardest
thing
about
saying
goodbye
is
the
uncertainty
of
when
we
will
meet
again.
”
【邓秀】
6.
“As
we
part
ways,
let
us
remember
the
good
times
we
shared
and
cherish
the
memories
forever.
”
【安德森】
7.
“Though
we
may
be
saying
goodbye,
the
bond
that
we
share
will
remain
unbreakable.
”
【富兰克林】
8.
“It's
not
goodbye,
it's
see
you
later.
”
【华莱士】
9.
“Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
it
means
moving
on
and
growing
stronger.
”
【巴尔扎克】
10.
“Sometimes
goodbye
is
a
painful
way
to
say
love
you.
”
【莎士比亚】
11.
“Don't
cry
because
it's
over,
smile
because
it
happened.
”
【德西】
12.
“Goodbye
may
seem
forever.
Farewell
is
like
the
end,
but
in
my
heart
is
the
memory
and
there
you
will
always
be.
”
【华尔顿】
13.
“The
journey
of
life
is
bittersweet,
filled
with
goodbyes
and
hellos,
but
each
one
is
a
chance
to
learn
and
grow.
”
【海明威】
14.
“Saying
goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it's
the
beginning
of
a
new
journey.
”
【卡夫卡】
15.
“Parting
ways
is
never
easy,
but
we
can
take
comfort
in
the
fact
that
true
friendships
can
withstand
any
distance
or
time
apart.
”
【科林斯】
16.
“In
saying
goodbye,
we
open
the
door
to
new
opportunities,
new
experiences,
and
new
friends.
”
【卢梭】
17.
“Goodbyes
make
you
think,
they
make
you
realize
what
you've
had,
what
you've
lost,
and
what
you've
taken
for
granted.
”
【蒙田】
18.
“Every
goodbye
is
a
chance
to
start
again,
to
meet
new
people,
and
to
see
the
world
with
fresh
eyes.
”
【毛姆】
19.
“Though
we
may
be
saying
farewell
for
now,
our
hearts
will
forever
be
intertwined,
and
our
paths
may
cross
again
someday.
”
【塞万提斯】
20.
“Let
us
not
say
goodbye,
but
rather
until
we
meet
again,
for
true
friends
never
truly
part.
”
【爱默生】