.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes,
it's
in
the
falling
that
we
find
our
true
strength
and
beauty,"
【美丽同时也伴随着跌落。
】
2.
"The
descent
may
be
painful,
but
the
view
from
the
bottom
is
breathtaking,"
【虽然下坠痛苦,但底部的景象却让人叹为观止。
】
3.
"Gravity
may
bring
us
down,
but
hope
can
lift
us
up
again,"
【重力或许让我们下坠,但希望则能让我们重新振作。
】
4.
"In
the
darkness
of
the
fall,
we
can
discover
our
own
light,"
【在坠落的黑暗中,我们依然能够找到自己的光芒。
】
5.
"Falling
is
not
the
end,
it's
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
journey,"
【跌落并不代表结束,反而是新旅程的开始。
】
6.
"When
we
hit
rock
bottom,
we
can
either
crumble
or
rise
to
the
top,"
【当我们落到谷底时,我们可以崩溃,也可以振作。
】
7.
"The
beauty
of
falling
is
the
opportunity
to
rise
again
with
new
strength
and
wisdom,"
【跌落的美好之处在于能够有机会重新崛起,拥有新的力量和智慧。
】
8.
"The
journey
of
falling
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
sign
of
resilience,"
【坠落的旅程并不代表弱点,而是耐力的象征。
】
9.
"The
freefall
may
be
scary,
but
the
landing
can
be
spectacular,"
【自由下坠或许可怕,但着陆却可以壮观。
】
10.
"Falling
teaches
us
that
we
are
never
too
broken
to
be
fixed,"
【跌落教会我们,从不会太坏以至于无法修复。
】
11.
"The
fall
may
be
sudden,
but
the
rise
can
be
steady
and
strong,"
【跌落突然,但崛起却可以有序又坚定。
】
12.
"Sometimes
falling
is
necessary
to
teach
us
how
to
fly,"
【有时候,跌落是为了教我们如何飞翔。
】
13.
"Even
at
our
lowest
moments,
we
can
always
reach
for
the
stars,"
【即使在最低谷,我们也能够望向星空。
】
14.
"The
fall
may
hurt,
but
the
recovery
can
heal
our
wounds
and
make
us
whole,"
【跌落的痛苦可以治愈我们的伤口,使我们变得更加完整。
】
15.
"In
the
fall,
we
may
lose
our
balance,
but
we
can
always
find
our
center
again,"
【在跌落中,我们可能会失去平衡,但我们也可以重新找到自己的中心。
】
16.
"The
fall
can
be
a
wake-up
call
to
remind
us
of
our
true
purpose
and
passion,"
【跌落可以唤醒我们,提醒我们真正的目标和热情。
】
17.
"Falling
is
never
the
end
of
the
story,
it's
just
another
chapter,"
【坠落从不是故事的结局,而只是另一个章节。
】
18.
"The
fall
may
be
humbling,
but
it
can
also
be
a
source
of
great
strength
and
humility,"
【跌落可以让我们变得谦卑,同时也能够成为强大力量的源泉。
】
19.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
fall,
for
it
is
in
the
falling
that
we
learn
to
rise,"
【不要害怕跌落,因为正是在跌落中我们学会了崛起。
】
20.
"The
fall
may
be
uncertain,
but
the
journey
upwards
is
always
worth
it,"
【跌落充满了不确定性,但上升的旅程总是值得一试的。
】