.jpg)
1.
"Time
flies,
and
so
does
the
expiration
date
on
my
milk
carton.
"
【过期警告】
2.
"I
never
thought
I'd
be
one
of
those
people
that
let
food
go
bad
in
their
fridge.
"
【愧疚之情】
3.
"At
least
the
molds
growing
on
my
bread
are
a
work
of
art.
"
【感性视角】
4.
"My
expired
yogurt
was
more
solid
than
liquid
this
morning.
"
【摸板决心】
5.
"Even
my
dog
won't
eat
the
leftovers
in
my
fridge.
"
【失落自嘲】
6.
"I
may
have
just
accidentally
consumed
some
expired
mayonnaise…
time
to
play
the
waiting
game.
"
【风险承受】
7.
"I
thought
had
more
time
with
my
cookies,
but
alas,
they
too
have
met
their
fate.
"
【忧心忡忡】
8.
"Let's
hope
my
stomach
can
handle
this
questionable
tuna
salad.
"
【生命危险】
9.
"One
man's
trash
is
another
man's…
well,
still
trash
in
this
case.
"
【变废为宝】
10.
"To
think
used
to
mock
those
who
threw
away
perfectly
good
food.
Karma's
a
funny
thing.
"
【讽刺自嘲】
11.
"The
expiration
date
on
my
tofu
may
have
disappeared,
but
the
pungent
smell
reveals
the
truth.
"
【警觉感官】
12.
"I
wonder
if
can
still
salvage
this
cheese…
or
if
it's
time
to
say
'cheese-em'.
"
【语言恶搞】
13.
"I
hate
to
waste
food,
but
at
this
point,
think
the
trash
can
is
the
only
logical
option.
"
【心有余悸】
14.
"It's
like
a
game
of
Russian
Roulette,
but
instead
of
bullets,
it's
expired
food.
"
【抱怨自嘲】
15.
"My
expired
orange
juice
is
now
a
science
experiment
in
my
fridge.
"
【学问视角】
16.
"Why
does
everything
love
have
to
expire
so
quickly?"
【感性抱怨】
17.
"I
guess
it's
time
to
face
the
music
and
accept
that
my
food
has
officially
kicked
the
bucket.
"
【幽默自嘲】
18.
"I'm
pretty
sure
that
salad
dressing
had
an
expiration
date
when
bought
it.
.
.
oh
well.
"
【漠然现实】
19.
"I
should
really
start
paying
more
attention
to
these
expiration
dates
before
my
stomach
rebels
against
me.
"
【自省忧心】
20.
"From
now
on,
will
never
take
my
food's
shelf
life
for
granted,
or
risk
my
own
health
to
save
some
leftovers.
"
【自我决意】