1.
"Life
is
full
of
surprises.
One
day
everything
can
change.
"
【变化无常】
2.
"Things
can
change
quickly
in
life.
Embrace
the
uncertainty
and
take
on
the
challenge.
"
【快速变化】
3.
"Life
is
like
a
roller
coaster,
sometimes
we
need
the
ups
and
downs
to
feel
alive.
"
【起伏不定】
4.
"Change
is
inevitable
in
life,
but
it’s
up
to
you
to
embrace
it
or
resist
it.
"
【改变无处不在】
5.
"Our
biggest
fear
should
not
be
failure,
but
the
inability
to
adapt
and
change.
"
【适应变化】
6.
"Life
is
a
journey
full
of
twists
and
turns.
Sometimes
we
can’t
control
it,
but
we
can
always
learn
from
it.
"
【旅途波折】
7.
"The
only
constant
in
life
is
change.
It’s
how
we
respond
to
it
that
matters.
"
【唯一不变的是变化】
8.
"Life
is
a
delicate
balance
of
holding
on
and
letting
go.
"
【分寸和放手】
9.
"Change
is
scary,
but
staying
the
same
is
even
scarier.
"
【舍不得放手】
10.
"We
can’t
control
the
wind,
but
we
can
always
adjust
the
sails.
"
【调整风帆】
11.
"Life
is
full
of
possibilities.
Embrace
change
and
see
where
it
takes
you.
"
【多姿多彩的人生】
12.
"Change
can
be
difficult,
but
it’s
necessary
for
growth.
"
【成长需要变化】
13.
"Life
is
a
teacher,
and
change
is
its
lesson.
"
【生活教育我们变化】
14.
"Every
new
day
is
an
opportunity
for
change.
Take
advantage
of
it.
"
【新的机会】
15.
"Change
may
be
uncomfortable,
but
it’s
necessary
for
progress.
"
【渴望进步】
16.
"Change
can
bring
new
challenges,
but
also
new
opportunities.
"
【挑战与机遇】
17.
"Life
is
a
journey
of
transformation.
Embrace
the
changes
and
become
your
best
self.
"
【转变成最好的自己】
18.
"Stepping
out
of
your
comfort
zone
may
be
scary,
but
it’s
the
only
way
to
grow
and
experience
new
things.
"
【走出舒适区】
19.
"In
life,
the
only
constant
is
change.
Embrace
it,
learn
from
it,
and
let
it
empower
you.
"
【让变化成为你的动力】
20.
"Change
is
not
always
easy,
but
it
can
lead
to
great
things.
Embrace
the
unknown
and
take
a
leap
of
faith.
"
【迎接未知】