1.
"The
word
of
God
is
a
lamp
to
my
feet
and
a
light
to
my
path.
"
【Psalm
119:105】
2.
"In
all
your
ways
acknowledge
Him,
and
He
will
make
your
paths
straight.
"
【Proverbs
3:6】
3.
"Trust
in
the
Lord
with
all
your
heart,
and
do
not
lean
on
your
own
understanding.
"
【Proverbs
3:5】
4.
"For
God
so
loved
the
world
that
he
gave
his
one
and
only
Son,
that
whoever
believes
in
him
shall
not
perish
but
have
eternal
life.
"
【John
3:16】
5.
"I
can
do
all
things
through
Christ
who
strengthens
me.
"
【Philippians
4:13】
6.
"The
Lord
is
my
shepherd;
shall
not
want.
"
【Psalm
23:1】
7.
"Do
not
be
conformed
to
this
world,
but
be
transformed
by
the
renewal
of
your
mind.
"
【Romans
12:2】
8.
"Love
your
neighbor
as
yourself.
"
【Mark
12:31】
9.
"But
the
fruit
of
the
Spirit
is
love,
joy,
peace,
patience,
kindness,
goodness,
faithfulness,
gentleness,
self-control.
"
【Galatians
5:22-23】
10.
"Let
all
that
you
do
be
done
in
love.
"
【1
Corinthians
16:14】
11.
"Therefore,
if
anyone
is
in
Christ,
he
is
a
new
creation.
The
old
has
passed
away;
behold,
the
new
has
come.
"
【2
Corinthians
5:17】
12.
"For
by
grace
you
have
been
saved
through
faith.
And
this
is
not
your
own
doing;
it
is
the
gift
of
God.
"
【Ephesians
2:8】
13.
"The
Lord
bless
you
and
keep
you;
the
Lord
make
his
face
to
shine
upon
you
and
be
gracious
to
you;
the
Lord
lift
up
his
countenance
upon
you
and
give
you
peace.
"
【Numbers
6:24-26】
14.
"Rejoice
always,
pray
without
ceasing,
give
thanks
in
all
circumstances;
for
this
is
the
will
of
God
in
Christ
Jesus
for
you.
"
【1
Thessalonians
5:16-18】
15.
"Do
not
be
anxious
about
anything,
but
in
everything
by
prayer
and
supplication
with
thanksgiving,
let
your
requests
be
made
known
to
God.
"
【Philippians
4:6】
16.
"Be
strong
and
courageous.
Do
not
be
frightened,
and
do
not
be
dismayed,
for
the
Lord
your
God
is
with
you
wherever
you
go.
"
【Joshua
1:9】
17.
"And
we
know
that
for
those
who
love
God
all
things
work
together
for
good,
for
those
who
are
called
according
to
his
purpose.
"
【Romans
8:28】
18.
"But
seek
first
the
kingdom
of
God
and
his
righteousness,
and
all
these
things
will
be
added
to
you.
"
【Matthew
6:33】
19.
"Let
us
hold
fast
the
confession
of
our
hope
without
wavering,
for
he
who
promised
is
faithful.
"
【Hebrews
10:23】
20.
"For
am
sure
that
neither
death
nor
life,
nor
angels
nor
rulers,
nor
things
present
nor
things
to
come,
nor
powers,
nor
height
nor
depth,
nor
anything
else
in
all
creation,
will
be
able
to
separate
us
from
the
love
of
God
in
Christ
Jesus
our
Lord.
"
【Romans
8:38-39】