.jpg)
1.
Life
is
fleeting,
but
the
beauty
of
our
souls
lives
on.
【美好的灵魂是永不磨灭的】
2.
Death
is
not
the
end,
but
the
beginning
of
a
new
journey.
【死亡并非终点,而是新旅程的开始】
3.
In
death,
we
find
peace,
we
find
release,
and
we
find
freedom.
【在死亡中,我们找到了宁静、释放和自由】
4.
The
beauty
of
life
lies
not
in
its
duration,
but
in
its
intensity.
【生命之美不在于其长度,而在于其强度】
5.
Memories
are
the
only
immortality
we
have.
【回忆是我们唯一的不朽】
6.
Death
is
not
to
be
feared,
but
to
be
accepted
as
a
part
of
life.
【死亡不应该被害怕,而是应该被接受为生命的一部分】
7.
The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
not
material
possessions,
but
the
memories
and
love
we
share
with
others.
【生命中最美好的事情不是物质财富,而是与他人分享的回忆和爱】
8.
Our
battles
are
not
won
or
lost
in
death,
but
in
the
way
we
choose
to
live
our
lives.
【我们的战斗不是在死亡中获胜或失败,而是在我们选择生活的方式中】
9.
Death
does
not
diminish
the
impact
we
have
on
the
world,
for
our
legacy
lives
on
through
those
we
have
touched.
【死亡并不会减弱我们对世界的影响,因为我们的遗产通过我们所接触到的人们而活着】
10.
Our
words
may
be
forgotten,
but
the
love
we
shared
will
last
forever.
【我们的言语可能被遗忘,但我们所分享的爱会永久流传下去】
11.
The
pain
of
loss
may
fade,
but
the
memories
of
love
and
happiness
will
remain.
【失去的伤痛可能会消逝,但爱和幸福的回忆将永存】
12.
Life
is
a
fleeting
moment,
but
a
life
well-lived
is
eternal.
【生命短暂,但是生命精彩的人是永恒的】
13.
In
the
end,
it's
not
the
years
in
your
life
that
count,
it's
the
life
in
your
years.
【最后,重要的不是你活了多少年,而是你的生命有多少价值】
14.
The
beauty
of
life
is
in
the
journey,
not
the
destination.
【生命中的美在于旅程,而非目的地】
15.
The
soul
never
dies,
for
it
is
immortal
and
eternal.
【灵魂从不死亡,因为它是不朽和永恒的】
16.
Death
is
but
a
release
from
the
physical
form,
allowing
the
spirit
to
fly
free.
【死亡只是从物质形态中解脱,让精神自由飞翔】
17.
Time
may
pass,
but
the
love
we
share
with
those
dear
to
us
will
never
fade
away.
【时间可能消逝,但我们与亲人分享的爱永不会消失】
18.
Death
is
not
an
end
but
a
new
beginning,
a
chance
for
us
to
be
reborn
into
something
greater.
【死亡不是终点,而是一个新的开始,一个让我们重生为更伟大的机会】
19.
In
death,
there
is
no
loss,
only
transformation,
as
we
become
one
with
the
universe.
【死亡中没有损失,只有转化,因为我们与宇宙合为一体】
20.
We
are
but
travelers
passing
through
this
world,
leaving
behind
only
our
love
and
our
legacy.
【我们只是路过这个世界的旅人,留下的只是我们的爱和我们的遗产】