1.
“Share
the
road,
it’s
not
a
competition.
”【#友善共享道路#】
2.
“Slow
down
and
appreciate
the
journey.
”
【#欣赏路程#】
3.
“Don’t
be
in
a
rush,
it’s
not
worth
risking
lives.
”
【#不要冒险#】
4.
“Respect
other
drivers
and
their
vehicles.
”
【#尊重其他司机和车辆#】
5.
“Practice
defensive
driving,
it
will
save
you
from
accidents.
”
【#积极防御性驾驶#】
6.
“Be
patient,
everyone
has
a
place
to
go.
”
【#耐心等待#】
7.
“Use
your
turn
signals,
it’s
not
that
difficult.
”
【#使用方向灯#】
8.
“Park
your
car
properly
to
avoid
inconvenience
for
others.
”
【#停车有序#】
9.
“Don’t
drink
and
drive,
it’s
not
only
illegal
but
it
puts
lives
at
risk.
”
【#不喝酒开车#】
10.
“Keep
your
eyes
on
the
road
and
off
your
phone.
”
【#不摸手机#】
11.
“Stay
within
the
speed
limit,
it’s
there
for
a
reason.
”
【#遵守速度限制#】
12.
“Be
aware
of
pedestrians,
they
too
have
the
right
to
use
the
road.
”
【#注意行人#】
13.
“Don’t
tailgate,
maintain
a
safe
distance
from
the
vehicle
in
front
of
you.
”
【#保持安全距离#】
14.
“Be
considerate,
other
people’s
time
and
safety
is
just
as
important
as
yours.
”
【#体谅别人#】
15.
“Avoid
using
high
beams,
it
can
blind
drivers
coming
towards
you.
”
【#不使用远光灯#】
16.
“Make
sure
your
car
is
roadworthy
before
hitting
the
road.
”
【#检查车况#】
17.
“Don’t
honk
unnecessarily,
it’s
rude
and
can
be
startling.
”
【#不要过度鸣笛#】
18.
“Keep
the
road
clean,
don’t
litter
out
of
your
car.
”
【#保持干净环境#】
19.
“Never
assume,
always
be
alert
for
unexpected
situations
on
the
road.
”
【#保持警觉#】
20.
“Drive
with
empathy,
put
yourself
in
other
driver’s
shoes.
”
【#有同理心驾驶#】