.jpg)
1.
The
piles
of
undone
homework
remind
me
of
my
incompetence
【#Procrastination】
.
2.
Staring
at
the
blank
page,
wonder
where
my
creativity
has
gone
【#Writer'sBlock】
.
3.
Homework
has
become
a
constant
reminder
of
my
inadequacy
and
failure
【#Insecurity】
.
4.
How
can
be
expected
to
keep
up
with
all
this
work
when
my
soul
is
feeling
so
heavy?
【#Overwhelmed】
5.
single
missing
assignment
feels
like
a
weight
on
my
shoulders,
dragging
me
down
【#Anxiety】
.
6.
My
mind
is
exhausted
from
the
constant
effort
of
trying
to
catch
up
on
all
my
work
【#Burnout】
.
7.
It's
hard
to
see
a
way
out
when
the
list
of
undone
assignments
seems
endless
【#Hopeless】
.
8.
The
endless
cycle
of
undone
homework
and
late
nights
is
draining
my
will
to
continue
【#Exhausted】
.
9.
never
imagined
that
schoolwork
could
be
so
painful
【#Regret】
.
10.
In
the
midst
of
all
this
work,
I've
lost
sight
of
what
truly
matters
in
life
【#LostFocus】
.
11.
How
can
find
the
energy
to
focus
on
homework
when
all
feel
is
emptiness?
【#Depressed】
.
12.
Each
assignment
becomes
a
symbol
of
all
the
ways
I'm
not
good
enough
【#SelfDoubt】
.
13.
The
constant
barrage
of
undone
homework
is
like
a
never-ending
storm
cloud
above
my
head
【#Stress】
.
14.
How
do
keep
up
with
all
this
work
when
it
feels
like
my
life
is
falling
apart?
【#Struggling】
.
15.
thought
could
handle
the
pressure,
but
now
realize
I'm
drowning
in
it
【#Overwhelmed】
.
16.
Homework
has
gone
from
being
a
simple
task
to
a
giant
mountain
can't
imagine
scaling
【#Daunting】
.
17.
I'm
exhausted
from
the
constant
effort
of
trying
to
catch
up
on
all
my
work
【#Exhausted】
.
18.
Homework
should
be
a
way
of
learning
and
growing,
but
now
it
feels
like
a
toxic
burden
【#Toxic】
.
19.
Each
day
that
don't
complete
my
assignments,
feel
like
more
of
a
failure
【#Guilt】
.
20.
Homework
may
be
just
a
small
part
of
life,
but
it's
overwhelming
me
to
the
point
of
despair
【#Desperate】
.