1.
The
early
bird
gets
the
worm,
and
in
my
case,
the
early
riser
makes
the
sales.
【early
bird】
2.
Rise
and
shine,
it's
time
to
hustle
and
sell
some
products!
【hustle】
3.
Morning
routines
are
key,
and
my
routine
involves
posting
on
social
media
to
reach
potential
customers.
【morning
routines】
4.
Who
needs
a
morning
cup
of
coffee
when
you
have
sales
to
make?
【coffee】
5.
Waking
up
early
may
be
tough,
but
the
feeling
of
making
a
sale
early
in
the
day
is
worth
it.
【tough
times】
6.
My
secret
to
success:
waking
up
before
the
competition
and
selling
while
they
are
asleep.
【success】
7.
If
you're
not
up
early
making
sales,
you're
missing
out
on
potential
profits.
【potential
profits】
8.
Starting
the
day
with
a
sale
puts
me
in
a
productive
mindset
for
the
rest
of
the
day.
【productivity】
9.
Sales
don't
sleep,
and
neither
do
I.
【sales】
10.
The
early
morning
hours
are
when
make
my
biggest
sales.
【biggest
sales】
11.
My
morning
routine
consists
of
checking
sales,
responding
to
customers,
and
making
new
posts
to
sell
more
products.
【morning
routine】
12.
Sales
don't
wait
for
anyone,
so
neither
do
I.
【no
waiting】
13.
Early
risers
catch
the
sales
they
want.
【catch
the
sales】
14.
I'm
up
before
the
sun
to
make
sales
and
reach
my
business
goals.
【sun
up】
15.
Don't
hit
the
snooze
button,
hit
the
sales
button
instead.
【snooze】
16.
Making
sales
before
breakfast?
That's
how
you
start
the
day
off
right.
【breakfast】
17.
Starting
the
day
with
sales
keeps
me
motivated
to
keep
pushing
throughout
the
day.
【motivation】
18.
Being
an
early
bird
in
sales
means
more
sales
at
the
end
of
the
day.
【end
of
the
day】
19.
Getting
up
early
to
sell
is
a
small
sacrifice
for
a
big
reward.
【sacrifice】
20.
Early
mornings
mean
early
sales
and
a
successful
day.
【successful
day】