1.
Smoking
is
harmful
to
your
health,and
it
is
also
harmful
to
people
around
you
who
inhale
second-hand
smoke.
【拒绝抽烟】
2.
cigarette
can
shorten
your
life
by
minutes,
do
you
really
want
to
waste
that
time?【拒绝抽烟】
3.
Smoking
not
only
damages
your
lungs,
but
it
can
also
cause
heart
disease,
stroke
and
many
other
serious
health
problems.
【拒绝抽烟】
4.
Quitting
smoking
is
one
of
the
best
things
you
can
do
to
improve
your
health
and
the
health
of
those
around
you.
【拒绝抽烟】
5.
Smoking
is
a
bad
habit
that
can
lead
to
addiction
and
dependency.
Say
no
to
smoking
and
say
yes
to
a
healthier
life.
【拒绝抽烟】
6.
Second-hand
smoke
can
cause
cancer
and
respiratory
problems,
and
infants
and
children
are
particularly
vulnerable.
【拒绝抽烟】
7.
Smoking
is
not
only
bad
for
your
health,
but
it
is
also
a
major
environmental
hazard.
Cigarette
butts
are
a
major
source
of
litter
and
pollution.
【拒绝抽烟】
8.
Smoking
is
expensive,
imagine
how
much
money
you
could
save
if
you
quit
smoking
and
put
that
money
towards
something
else.
【拒绝抽烟】
9.
Smoking
may
give
you
temporary
relief
from
stress
or
anxiety,
but
it
can
cause
a
lot
more
problems
in
the
long
run.
【拒绝抽烟】
10.
Smokers
not
only
put
themselves
at
risk,
but
also
put
the
health
of
their
loved
ones
at
risk.
Think
about
the
people
you
care
about
and
quit
smoking.
【拒绝抽烟】
11.
Quitting
smoking
is
not
easy,
but
it
is
definitely
worth
it.
Seek
support
from
friends,
family
or
professionals
to
help
you
on
your
journey.
【拒绝抽烟】
12.
Remember
that
every
time
you
light
up
a
cigarette,
you
are
putting
yourself
at
risk
of
a
deadly
disease.
Your
health
is
worth
more
than
a
momentary
pleasure.
【拒绝抽烟】
13.
The
smell
of
smoke
is
unpleasant
and
can
linger
on
clothes,
hair
and
furniture.
Save
yourself
from
this
unpleasantness
and
quit
smoking.
【拒绝抽烟】
14.
Smoking
can
affect
your
sense
of
taste
and
smell,
as
well
as
your
ability
to
breathe
properly.
Quitting
smoking
can
help
you
regain
these
senses.
【拒绝抽烟】
15.
Smoking
during
pregnancy
can
harm
both
the
mother
and
the
baby.
Protect
your
health
and
the
health
of
your
unborn
child
by
quitting
smoking.
【拒绝抽烟】
16.
Smoking
not
only
affects
your
physical
health
but
can
also
have
an
impact
on
your
mental
health,
causing
anxiety
and
depression.
Say
no
to
smoking
and
say
yes
to
a
healthier
mind
and
body.
【拒绝抽烟】
17.
Smoking
can
cause
premature
aging,
wrinkles,
and
dull
skin.
Quit
smoking
and
let
your
natural
beauty
shine
through.
【拒绝抽烟】
18.
Smoking
can
damage
your
teeth
and
contribute
to
bad
breath.
Quit
smoking
and
improve
your
oral
health.
【拒绝抽烟】
19.
Smoking
can
contribute
to
hair
loss
and
thinning,
causing
you
to
look
older
than
you
really
are.
Say
no
to
smoking
and
say
yes
to
a
full
head
of
healthy
hair.
【拒绝抽烟】
20.
Quitting
smoking
is
not
only
good
for
your
health
but
also
for
the
health
of
the
planet.
Eliminate
the
harmful
effects
of
smoking
and
create
a
cleaner,
healthier
world.
【拒绝抽烟】