.jpg)
1.
"Beauty
lies
in
the
imperfections
and
the
scars
that
tell
stories
of
a
life
lived.
"
【美丽存在于完美之外,于那些记录着生命历程的伤痕痕迹中。
】
2.
"The
night
sky
is
a
canvas
of
wonder,
painted
with
sparkles
of
hope
and
dreams.
"
【黑夜的天空是一幅神奇的画布,点缀了无数希望和梦想的闪耀光芒。
】
3.
"In
the
midst
of
chaos,
find
solace
in
the
beauty
of
nature
and
the
simple
joys
of
life.
"
【在混沌中,寻找自然美丽和生活中平凡的快乐,寻求一份慰藉。
】
4.
"The
depth
of
love
can
be
measured
by
the
moments
that
take
our
breath
away.
"
【爱的深度可由那些让我们震撼心灵的时刻所衡量。
】
5.
"Life
is
a
delicate
balance
of
light
and
darkness,
and
it
is
in
the
contrast
that
beauty
is
revealed.
"
【生命脆弱而又充满光明和黑暗的平衡,正是在对比中美丽才得以显现。
】
6.
"The
fragility
of
life
is
what
makes
it
all
the
more
precious
and
our
moments
all
the
more
fleeting.
"
【生命的脆弱正是它珍贵的所在,我们的时光也随之短暂而有价值。
】
7.
"There
is
a
quiet
beauty
in
the
resilience
of
the
human
spirit,
rising
up
from
the
ashes
of
adversity.
"
【人类精神的坚韧和复原力中有一种安静的美丽,其从逆境中崛起。
】
8.
"The
dance
of
life
is
ever-changing,
but
it
is
in
the
movement
that
we
find
our
rhythm
and
grace.
"
【生命的旋律永远在变,但在运动中我们找到我们的节奏和优美。
】
9.
"Beauty
is
not
just
found
in
the
light,
but
also
in
the
shadows
that
give
depth
and
meaning
to
the
image.
"
【美不只存在于光明中,也存在于那些给图像提供深度和意义的阴影中。
】
10.
"The
mysteries
of
the
universe
are
revealed
in
the
beauty
of
the
stars
and
the
infinite
expanse
of
the
galaxy.
"
【宇宙的奥秘展现在恒星的美丽和星系的无限延展中。
】
11.
"In
the
quiet
of
nature,
we
find
the
beauty
of
stillness
and
the
peace
that
comes
with
it.
"
【在自然的宁静中,我们找到静止的美丽和带来平和的和平。
】
12.
"The
beauty
of
music
is
its
ability
to
evoke
emotions
and
stir
the
soul.
"
【音乐之美在于它激起情感、唤醒灵魂的能力。
】
13.
"The
passing
of
time
only
adds
to
the
beauty
of
a
well-lived
life,
like
the
patina
on
a
well-worn
piece
of
furniture.
"
【时光的流逝只会增添生命美好的记忆,就像磨损过后家具上的古铜色斑点。
】
14.
"The
beauty
of
the
human
form
lies
not
just
in
its
symmetry,
but
in
its
imperfections
and
uniqueness.
"
【人体的美不仅在于对称,还在于其不完美和独特。
】
15.
"The
beauty
of
a
smile
lies
not
just
in
the
curve
of
the
lips,
but
in
the
joy
and
kindness
that
it
brings.
"
【微笑的美不仅在于嘴唇的弧度,还在于它带来的喜悦和温暖。
】
16.
"The
beauty
of
love
is
in
the
vulnerability
and
the
courage
it
takes
to
open
one's
heart.
"
【爱的美在于需要勇气和胆量去打开自己的心扉。
】
17.
"The
beauty
of
a
sunset
is
a
reminder
that
even
the
most
vibrant
of
colors
fade
and
give
way
to
darkness.
"
【日落的美是提醒我们,即使最鲜艳的色彩也会逝去,留下黑暗。
】
18.
"The
beauty
of
a
journey
is
not
just
in
the
destination,
but
in
the
experiences
and
memories
collected
along
the
way.
"
【旅途的美不仅在于目的地,还在于沿途的经历和回忆。
】
19.
"The
beauty
of
art
is
its
ability
to
capture
the
essence
of
emotions
and
the
world
around
us.
"
【艺术之美在于它的抓住情感和世界本质的能力。
】
20.
"The
beauty
of
forgiveness
is
in
the
freedom
that
it
brings
from
the
bitterness
of
the
past.
"
【宽恕的美在于它带来的自由,解脱我们过去的苦涩。
】