1.
"I
can't
seem
to
shake
off
the
stress
from
work,
it's
affecting
my
mood
at
home.
"
【生活与工作的界限变得模糊了】
2.
"My
work
demands
so
much
of
my
time
that
barely
have
any
left
for
my
family.
"
【缺乏平衡会导致生活和工作上的问题】
3.
"I'm
constantly
checking
my
work
email
even
when
I'm
at
home.
"
【工作的压力在越来越晚的时间段里侵入我的生活】
4.
"I
can't
remember
the
last
time
took
a
day
off
and
just
relaxed.
"
【在工作的压力下,不再重视自己的生活和健康】
5.
"My
work
hours
keep
getting
extended
and
feel
like
I'm
missing
out
on
important
personal
events.
"
【时间管理是平衡工作和生活的一个关键因素】
6.
"My
job
is
taking
a
toll
on
my
mental
health.
"
【工作的压力会影响到人的身体和心理健康】
7.
"I
keep
cancelling
plans
with
friends
because
I'm
too
tired
from
work.
"
【缺乏社交活动会导致孤独感和焦虑感】
8.
"I'm
always
rushing
and
never
have
enough
time
for
myself.
"
【缺乏时间管理技能会影响到生活的质量和效率】
9.
"I
feel
like
I'm
living
to
work
rather
than
working
to
live.
"
【找到自己的生活和职业目标,以衡量生活和工作的重要性】
10.
"I'm
constantly
comparing
myself
to
my
colleagues
and
it's
affecting
my
self-esteem.
"
【与其他人的竞争会导致心理上的焦虑感】
11.
"I'm
so
invested
in
my
work
that
don't
know
how
to
switch
off
and
relax.
"
【放松对于身体和心理健康至关重要】
12.
"I
feel
like
I'm
missing
out
on
my
child's
milestones
because
of
work.
"
【在生活和工作之间找到一个平衡点会让别人更好的理解你】
13.
"I'm
constantly
worried
about
meeting
deadlines
and
it's
affecting
my
sleep.
"
【压力和焦虑会导致睡眠质量下降】
14.
"I
never
have
enough
time
for
a
hobby
or
something
that
enjoy.
"
【生活中其他的爱好和兴趣会增加对生活更全面的认知和思考方式】
15.
"I
feel
like
I'm
losing
touch
with
my
partner
because
of
work.
"
【与伴侣共同经营和维护思想方式的平衡至关重要】
16.
"My
work
travels
keep
me
away
from
home
for
extended
periods
of
time.
"
【工作需要长时间的出差时,用情感维护你与家人的联系】
17.
"I'm
constantly
irritable
and
easily
agitated
because
of
work
stress.
"
【工作的压力会影响一个人的情绪状态】
18.
"I
feel
like
I'm
not
fully
living
my
life
because
of
work
obligations.
"
【生活中有许多活动和经验需要去感受和体验,这也是人生的基本需要。
】
19.
"My
work
schedule
is
so
unpredictable
that
can't
make
any
plans
in
advance.
"
【做好规划和准备是应对工作不稳定性所需要的一些技能】
20.
"I
feel
like
I'm
always
playing
catch-up
and
never
fully
in
control
of
my
life.
"
【将生活管理好,有助于建立稳定的情绪基础】