.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
we
gamble
with
our
hearts,
but
the
stakes
are
too
high
to
risk
it
all
on
a
game
of
chance.
"
【#GamblingHeartbreak】
2.
"In
the
end,
the
only
thing
gambling
guarantees
is
disappointment.
"
【#RiskyBusiness】
3.
"When
you
bet
against
yourself,
you
always
come
out
a
loser.
"
【#SelfSabotage】
4.
"Gambling
is
like
a
drug,
it
gives
you
a
high
but
ultimately
leaves
you
empty
inside.
"
【#TemporaryThrill】
5.
"The
only
sure
thing
in
gambling
is
that
the
house
always
wins.
"
【#UnfairAdvantage】
6.
"Don't
let
the
thrill
of
the
bet
blind
you
from
the
devastation
of
the
loss.
"
【#DangerousGamble】
7.
"The
worst
bet
you
can
make
is
on
someone
who
you
know
deep
down
will
always
let
you
down.
"
【#BadInvestment】
8.
"Gambling
with
love
is
a
game
no
one
can
win,
but
everyone
can
lose.
"
【#LoveAndLoss】
9.
"Addiction
to
gambling
is
like
a
bottomless
pit,
the
more
you
feed
it,
the
deeper
it
gets.
"
【#AddictiveBehavior】
10.
"The
true
cost
of
gambling
is
not
the
money
you
lose,
but
the
destruction
it
causes
in
your
life.
"
【#HighPrice】
11.
"Gambling
with
your
future
is
not
a
wise
choice,
for
the
odds
are
against
you.
"
【#FutureGambles】
12.
"The
real
gamble
in
life
is
taking
a
chance
on
yourself
and
your
dreams.
"
【#PositiveRisk】
13.
"Gambling
may
bring
temporary
excitement,
but
it
will
never
bring
true
satisfaction.
"
【#EmptyVictory】
14.
"The
thrill
of
the
win
can
never
outweigh
the
pain
of
the
loss.
"
【#WinOrLose】
15.
"Investing
in
yourself
is
a
much
better
gamble
than
putting
your
hopes
in
chance.
"
【#BetterGamble】
16.
"Don't
let
the
allure
of
the
bet
distract
you
from
the
true
value
of
life.
"
【#ValueOfLife】
17.
"Gambling
may
seem
adventurous
at
first,
but
in
the
end,
it's
nothing
but
a
series
of
bad
decisions.
"
【#AdventurousFailure】
18.
"Taking
risks
is
a
part
of
life,
but
gambling
is
a
recipe
for
disaster.
"
【#RiskManagement】
19.
"The
only
way
to
win
at
gambling
is
not
to
play
at
all.
"
【#NoWinningInGambling】
20.
"A
life
built
on
gambling
is
a
life
built
on
a
foundation
of
sand,
it
will
crumble
beneath
your
feet.
"
【#ShakyFoundation】