.jpg)
1.
"Time
and
self-care
are
the
best
healers
for
a
wounded
soul.
"
【受伤的心灵需要时间和自我照顾最好的治疗】
2.
"Sometimes,
it's
okay
to
not
be
okay.
"
【有时候,不好也是可以的】
3.
"You
don't
have
to
bear
the
pain
alone.
Reach
out
for
help
and
support.
"
【不必独自承受痛苦,向他人求助和支持】
4.
"Talk
therapy
can
work
wonders
in
healing
emotional
wounds.
"
【谈话疗法可以在治愈情感伤痕方面起到奇效】
5.
"Forgiving
yourself
and
others
can
be
a
tough
but
necessary
step
towards
healing.
"
【原谅自己和他人可能是治愈伤痕必不可少的一步,虽然困难】
6.
"Be
gentle
with
yourself
and
allow
yourself
to
heal
at
your
own
pace.
"
【温柔对待自己,允许自己按照自己的步伐去治愈】
7.
"Engage
in
activities
that
bring
you
joy
and
distract
you
from
your
pain.
"
【参与那些带给你快乐,分散你痛苦的活动】
8.
"Don't
bottle
up
your
emotions.
Express
them
in
healthy
ways.
"
【不要抑制自己的情感,用健康的方式来表达】
9.
"Surround
yourself
with
people
who
uplift
and
support
you.
"
【与那些给予你力量和支持的人为伴】
10.
"Practice
gratitude
for
the
positive
things
in
your
life,
even
amidst
tough
times.
"
【在充满困难的时期中,感恩你生命中的积极元素】
11.
"Journaling
can
be
a
cathartic
way
to
release
pent-up
emotions.
"
【写日记可以是一种宣泄积压情感的治愈方式】
12.
"Avoid
self-medicating
with
substances
or
unhealthy
coping
mechanisms.
"
【避免用物质或不健康的应对方式来自我治疗】
13.
"Surround
yourself
with
nature
and
allow
its
calming
effect
to
soothe
your
soul.
"
【与大自然为伴,让其平静的影响来抚慰你的心灵】
14.
"Remember
that
healing
is
not
a
linear
process
and
there
will
be
ups
and
downs.
"
【记住,治愈并不是一个线性的过程,中途会有起伏】
15.
"Find
a
creative
outlet
to
express
your
emotions,
whether
it's
art,
music,
or
writing.
"
【找到表达情感的创意途径,不论是艺术、音乐还是写作】
16.
"Give
yourself
permission
to
rest
and
prioritize
self-care.
"
【给自己放松的权限,让自我照顾成为你的首要任务】
17.
"Don't
compare
your
healing
journey
to
others.
Everyone
heals
at
their
own
pace.
"
【不要和其他人的治愈之旅作比较,每个人的自我治疗都有其独特的步伐】
18.
"Meditation
and
mindfulness
practices
can
help
you
calm
your
mind
and
find
inner
peace.
"
【冥想和正念练习能够帮你平静你的思绪找到内心的平和】
19.
"Seek
professional
help
if
you're
struggling
to
heal
on
your
own.
"
【如果你无法自我愈合了,请寻求专业帮助】
20.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
the
power
of
your
resilience
to
overcome
any
emotional
pain.
"
【相信自己和你的坚韧能力,克服任何情感痛苦】