1.
Life
is
a
series
of
highs
and
lows,
but
it's
the
lows
that
shape
us
and
make
us
stronger.
【emotional】
2.
Our
scars
tell
stories
of
pain
and
struggle,
but
they
also
show
that
we've
survived
and
kept
going.
【resilience】
3.
broken
heart
may
feel
like
the
end
of
the
world,
but
it's
really
just
the
start
of
a
new
chapter
in
your
life.
【heartbreak】
4.
Sometimes
it
takes
hitting
rock
bottom
to
realize
that
the
only
way
to
go
is
up.
【rock
bottom】
5.
The
worst
part
of
losing
someone
you
love
is
not
the
moment
they're
gone,
it's
the
haunting
memories
that
follow.
【losing
someone】
6.
Life
can
be
cruel,
but
it's
up
to
us
to
hold
onto
hope
and
find
the
beauty
in
each
day.
【hope】
7.
Pain
may
be
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
a
choice.
We
can
choose
to
heal
and
move
on.
【healing】
8.
The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
its
imperfections
and
the
journey
we
take
to
overcome
them.
【imperfection】
9.
When
you
feel
like
giving
up,
remember
that
there's
always
a
silver
lining
waiting
for
you.
【positive
thinking】
10.
It's
okay
to
cry,
to
feel
vulnerable,
to
admit
that
you're
struggling.
It's
all
part
of
the
human
experience.
【vulnerability】
11.
The
past
may
have
hurt
you,
but
it
doesn't
define
you.
You
have
the
power
to
create
your
own
future.
【overcoming
the
past】
12.
In
life,
we
all
wear
masks
to
hide
our
pain
and
insecurities.
It
takes
courage
to
take
them
off
and
be
vulnerable.
【authenticity】
13.
Pain
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
it's
a
sign
of
strength.
It
shows
that
we've
loved,
lost,
and
are
still
standing.
【strength】
14.
Sometimes
the
hardest
battles
we
face
are
the
ones
we
fight
within
ourselves.
But
we
can
overcome
them
with
time
and
patience.
【self-improvement】
15.
The
world
can
be
a
lonely
and
cruel
place,
but
we
can
find
solace
and
comfort
in
the
little
moments
of
love
and
kindness.
【kindness】
16.
We
may
not
always
get
what
we
want,
but
we
can
always
choose
to
find
happiness
in
what
we
have.
【gratitude】
17.
Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
Embrace
every
moment,
even
the
painful
ones,
for
they
make
us
who
we
are.
【life
journey】
18.
The
only
true
failure
in
life
is
giving
up
on
ourselves
and
our
dreams.
Keep
fighting,
keep
pushing
forward.
【perseverance】
19.
You
are
not
alone
in
your
pain
and
struggle.
Reach
out
to
others
for
help
and
support.
We're
all
in
this
together.
【support
and
hope】
20.
At
the
end
of
the
day,
what
matters
most
is
not
what
we've
achieved
or
accomplished,
but
the
love
we've
given
and
received.
【love】