1.
"Sometimes,
letting
go
is
the
bravest
thing
you
can
do
because
it
requires
courage
to
accept
that
something
wasn't
meant
to
be.
"
【acceptance】
2.
"The
pain
of
regret
is
always
worse
than
the
pain
of
discipline.
"
【living
with
no
regrets】
3.
"We
can't
change
the
past,
but
we
can
choose
how
we
let
it
affect
our
future.
"
【moving
forward】
4.
"Life
is
too
short
to
hold
onto
what's
already
gone.
Let
it
go
and
allow
yourself
to
be
happy
again.
"
【letting
go】
5.
"True
love
isn't
about
finding
someone
who
makes
you
happy,
but
rather
finding
someone
who
makes
it
worth
the
pain.
"
【worth
the
pain】
6.
"Sometimes
we
have
to
let
go
of
the
person
we
love
in
order
to
find
true
happiness.
"
【sacrifices】
7.
"Just
because
something
doesn't
work
out
doesn't
mean
it
wasn't
meant
to
be.
Sometimes
things
happen
for
a
reason.
"
【trust
the
journey】
8.
"Don't
let
the
fear
of
regret
stop
you
from
taking
a
chance.
You
never
know
what
could
happen.
"
【taking
risks】
9.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all.
"
【love
is
worth
it】
10.
"Regret
is
a
waste
of
time.
Use
your
past
experiences
to
learn
and
grow,
but
don't
dwell
on
them.
"
【learn
and
grow】
11.
"Cherish
the
memories
of
what
was
and
embrace
the
possibility
of
what
could
be.
"
【hope
for
the
future】
12.
"Sometimes
what
we
want
isn't
what's
best
for
us.
Trust
that
the
universe
has
something
better
in
store.
"
【trusting
the
universe】
13.
"When
you
love
someone,
set
them
free.
If
it
was
meant
to
be,
they'll
come
back.
"
【letting
go】
14.
"The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
never
truly
leaves
us.
We
carry
it
with
us
always.
"
【never
truly
gone】
15.
"You
can't
force
someone
to
love
you
back.
Accept
their
decision
and
move
on.
"
【acceptance】
16.
"It's
okay
to
feel
heartbroken.
It
means
you
had
the
courage
to
love
deeply.
"
【courage
to
love】
17.
"Just
because
someone
didn't
choose
you
doesn't
mean
you're
not
worthy
of
love.
"
【self-worth】
18.
"There's
a
difference
between
giving
up
and
letting
go.
Letting
go
means
you're
willing
to
accept
what's
best
for
you.
"
【letting
go】
19.
"The
pain
of
losing
someone
we
love
is
often
outweighed
by
the
love
we
have
for
them.
"
【love
outweighs
pain】
20.
"Don't
hold
onto
something
just
because
you're
afraid
of
being
alone.
Sometimes
being
alone
is
necessary
for
personal
growth.
"
【personal
growth】