1.
"Love
is
not
a
game,
it's
a
journey.
journey
that
leads
to
the
discovery
of
ourselves.
"
【Love】
2.
"Love
is
not
about
who
you
can
live
with,
but
who
you
can't
live
without.
"
【The
One】
3.
"The
greatest
happiness
in
life
is
the
feeling
of
being
loved
and
understood.
"
【Happiness】
4.
"Love
is
a
beautiful
thing,
but
it's
also
fragile.
It
requires
trust,
respect,
and
understanding.
"
【Fragility】
5.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
commitment.
commitment
to
be
there
for
each
other
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【Commitment】
6.
"True
love
is
not
just
about
finding
someone
who
complements
you,
it's
about
accepting
and
embracing
each
other's
flaws.
"
【True
Love】
7.
"Love
is
not
measured
by
how
much
we
give,
but
by
how
much
we
are
willing
to
sacrifice
for
the
one
we
love.
"
【Sacrifice】
8.
"The
most
precious
thing
in
life
is
love,
and
it's
something
that
can
never
be
bought
or
sold.
"
【Precious】
9.
"Love
is
not
about
possession
or
control,
it's
about
mutual
respect
and
freedom.
"
【Freedom】
10.
"Love
is
a
journey
of
self-discovery,
a
journey
that
helps
us
learn
about
ourselves
and
grow
as
individuals.
"
【Self-Discovery】
11.
"The
power
of
love
can
overcome
any
obstacle,
and
it
can
heal
even
the
deepest
of
wounds.
"
【Healing】
12.
"Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
us,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
inspires
us
to
be
our
best
selves.
"
【Inspiration】
13.
"Love
is
a
language
that
everyone
can
speak,
and
it's
the
one
thing
that
connects
us
all.
"
【Connection】
14.
"The
most
profound
love
is
the
one
that
we
give
to
ourselves,
because
it
sets
the
foundation
for
how
we
love
others.
"
【Self-Love】
15.
"Love
is
not
just
about
the
good
times,
it's
about
standing
by
each
other
through
the
tough
times
as
well.
"
【Tough
Times】
16.
"The
true
test
of
love
is
not
how
much
we
love
someone
when
things
are
easy,
but
how
much
we
love
them
when
things
get
tough.
"
【Test
of
Love】
17.
"Love
is
not
about
trying
to
change
someone,
it's
about
accepting
them
for
who
they
are.
"
【Acceptance】
18.
"The
key
to
a
successful
relationship
is
communication,
honesty,
and
mutual
respect.
"
【Success】
19.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
an
action.
It's
about
showing
up
for
each
other,
and
putting
in
the
effort
to
make
it
work.
"
【Action】
20.
"The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
someone
is
our
love,
and
the
greatest
gift
we
can
receive
is
the
love
we
give.
"
【Gift
of
Love】