1.
Love
is
not
about
possession;
it's
about
appreciation.
【#LoveQuotes】
2.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
decision
to
commit
and
stay
committed.
【#LoveThoughts】
3.
True
love
doesn't
have
a
happy
ending,
because
true
love
never
ends.
【#TrueLove】
4.
Love
is
not
finding
someone
to
live
with;
it's
finding
someone
you
can't
live
without.
【#Soulmates】
5.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos
and
uncertainty,
love
is
the
only
constant.
【#LoveIsConstant】
6.
The
greatest
happiness
in
life
is
the
certainty
that
we
are
loved.
【#Happiness】
7.
Love
is
not
about
changing
someone;
it's
about
accepting
them
just
the
way
they
are.
【#Acceptance】
8.
Love
is
not
a
game
to
be
won
or
lost,
it's
a
journey
to
be
experienced.
【#LoveJourney】
9.
Love
is
not
always
about
grand
gestures;
it's
about
the
small
things
that
matter.
【#LoveIsInTheDetails】
10.
The
best
thing
to
hold
onto
in
life
is
each
other.
【#TogetherForever】
11.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
an
action
that
requires
effort
and
sacrifice.
【#LoveIsAnAction】
12.
When
love
is
real,
it
finds
a
way.
【#RealLove】
13.
Love
is
the
closest
thing
we
have
to
magic.
【#LoveMagic】
14.
Love
is
not
about
being
perfect;
it's
about
being
willing
to
grow
and
learn
together.
【#LoveIsGrowth】
15.
Love
is
not
what
you
say,
but
what
you
do.
【#ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords】
16.
Love
is
not
about
having
someone
complete
you;
it's
about
complementing
each
other.
【#LoveComplements】
17.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
force
that
can
conquer
all
obstacles.
【#LoveConquersAll】
18.
true
love
story
never
ends.
【#LoveStory】
19.
Love
is
not
selfish;
it's
selfless.
【#LoveIsSelfless】
20.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
always
protects,
always
trusts,
always
hopes,
always
perseveres.
【#LoveIsPatient】