1.
"The
world
is
a
book,
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
a
page.
"
–
Saint
Augustine
【旅行是开启生命中新章节的窗口】
2.
"There
are
no
foreign
lands.
It
is
the
traveler
only
who
is
foreign.
"
–
Robert
Louis
Stevenson
【旅行是在熟悉变成陌生之后又重新认识世界的过程】
3.
"Travel
far
enough,
you
meet
yourself.
"
–
David
Mitchell
【旅行是一场与自己的约会】
4.
"The
journey
not
the
arrival
matters.
"
–
T.
S.
Eliot
【旅行的过程比到达目的地更重要】
5.
"I
am
not
the
same,
having
seen
the
moon
shine
on
the
other
side
of
the
world.
"
–
Mary
Anne
Radmacher
【旅行可以改变一个人的想法,世界在你面前展开全新的面貌】
6.
"To
travel
is
to
take
a
journey
into
yourself.
"
–
Danny
Kaye
【旅行是探索自我的过程】
7.
"Live,
travel,
adventure,
bless,
and
don't
be
sorry.
"
–
Jack
Kerouac
【旅行是生命中必须拥有的冒险】
8.
"Life
is
short
and
the
world
is
wide.
"
–
Simon
Raven
【人生短暂,世界却很广阔】
9.
"The
gladdest
moment
in
human
life
is
a
departure
into
unknown
lands.
"
–
Sir
Richard
Burton
【人生最快乐的时刻是踏上未知土地的那一刻】
10.
"Adventure
is
worthwhile.
"
–
Aesop
【闯荡天涯是值得的】
11.
"Travel
is
the
only
thing
you
buy
that
makes
you
richer.
"
–
Anonymous
【旅行是你投资自我成长的最好方式】
12.
"The
best
education
have
ever
received
was
through
travel.
"
–
Lisa
Ling
【旅行才是最好的教育,它教会你什么是真正的珍贵】
13.
"The
world
is
too
big
to
stay
in
one
place,
and
life
is
too
short
to
do
just
one
thing.
"
–
Anonymous
【世界太大了,没法只呆在一个地方;人生太短暂了,不能只做一件事】
14.
"Travel
makes
one
modest.
You
see
what
a
tiny
place
you
occupy
in
the
world.
"
–
Gustave
Flaubert
【旅行让人变得谦虚,你会发现自己在这个世界上微不足道】
15.
"One's
destination
is
never
a
place,
but
a
new
way
of
seeing
things.
"
–
Henry
Miller
【旅行不是为了到达一个地方,而是让你看待事物的方式更加全新】
16.
"I
travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
for
life
not
to
escape
me.
"
–
Anonymous
【我旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了不让生活逃避我】
17.
"Travel
is
fatal
to
prejudice,
bigotry,
and
narrow-mindedness.
"
–
Mark
Twain
【旅行能扼杀偏见、患得患失和心胸狭窄】
18.
"Travel
and
change
of
place
impart
new
vigor
to
the
mind.
"
–
Seneca
【旅行和环境变化让人精神焕发】
19.
"I
haven't
been
everywhere,
but
it's
on
my
list.
"
–
Susan
Sontag
【我还没去过每一个地方,但它们都在我的旅行清单上】
20.
"The
journey
itself
is
my
home.
"
–
Matsuo
Basho
【旅行本身就是我的家】