.jpg)
1.
"I
feel
so
alone
even
when
surrounded
by
people
who
claim
to
care.
"
【#lonelyheart】
2.
"It
hurts
when
you
pour
out
your
heart
to
someone
and
they
don't
seem
to
understand.
"
【#heartache】
3.
"The
worst
feeling
is
realizing
that
the
people
you
thought
were
your
friends
actually
don't
care
about
you
at
all.
"
【#Betrayed】
4.
"I'm
tired
of
pretending
everything
is
okay
when
it
really
isn't.
"
【#TiredHeart】
5.
"Sometimes
wish
someone
could
just
see
past
my
smile
and
realize
how
broken
really
am.
"
【#Brokenheart】
6.
"It's
hard
to
keep
going
when
it
feels
like
the
whole
world
is
against
you.
"
【#Hopeless】
7.
"I
never
thought
my
heart
could
hurt
this
much
until
lost
someone
loved.
"
【#Heartbroken】
8.
"Why
is
it
that
the
people
who
claim
to
love
us
can
hurt
us
the
most?"
【#TrustIssues】
9.
"I
try
to
hide
my
pain
behind
laughter,
but
sometimes
it's
too
much
to
bear.
"
【#LaughThroughThePain】
10.
"It's
difficult
to
trust
people
when
they
have
repeatedly
let
you
down.
"
【#BrokenTrust】
11.
"I
wish
could
just
turn
off
my
emotions
and
not
feel
anything
anymore.
"
【#Numbness】
12.
"It
feels
like
everyone
is
moving
forward,
but
I'm
stuck
in
this
never-ending
cycle
of
sadness.
"
【#StuckInSadness】
13.
"When
you
realize
someone
you
loved
didn't
love
you
back,
it's
a
pain
that
never
truly
goes
away.
"
【#UnrequitedLove】
14.
"I'm
tired
of
feeling
like
an
afterthought
in
people's
lives.
"
【#FeelingUnimportant】
15.
"Tears
are
a
language
that
my
heart
speaks
when
my
mouth
can't
express
how
much
it
hurts.
"
【#TearsOfPain】
16.
"It's
difficult
to
move
on
when
you
keep
replaying
all
the
memories
in
your
head.
"
【#StuckInThePast】
17.
"I
wish
was
strong
enough
to
walk
away
from
the
people
who
hurt
me,
but
keep
holding
on.
"
【#HoldingOn】
18.
"Sometimes
feel
like
the
only
way
to
escape
my
pain
is
by
disappearing
entirely.
"
【#Escapism】
19.
"It's
hard
to
be
okay
when
all
you
want
to
do
is
cry.
"
【#CryItOut】
20.
"I
thought
could
trust
you,
but
you
proved
me
wrong
and
now
my
heart
is
shattered.
"
【#ShatteredTrust】