.jpg)
1.
"Adventuring
outdoors,
bundled
up
in
warm
jackets
and
hats,
made
for
a
thrilling
start
to
my
winter
break.
"
【冒险户外,穿着温暖的外套和帽子,为我寒假的开端带来了刺激体验。
】
2.
"Crisp
days
and
cozy
nights
were
the
perfect
combination
for
my
winter
break.
"
【清爽的白天和温暖的夜晚是我寒假的完美搭配。
】
3.
"From
quiet
reading
to
family
game
nights,
my
winter
break
was
filled
with
joy
and
relaxation.
"
【从宁静的阅读到家庭游戏之夜,我的寒假充满了快乐和放松。
】
4.
"Sledding
down
snowy
hills
and
warming
up
with
cocoa
was
a
highlight
of
my
winter
break.
"
【在雪地上滑雪、喝上一杯可可是我寒假的亮点之一。
】
5.
"My
winter
break
was
a
time
of
reflection,
self-improvement
and
planning
for
the
future.
"
【我的寒假是反思、自我提升和未来规划的时光。
】
6.
"Exploring
new
hobbies
and
skills
during
my
winter
break
was
a
great
way
to
spend
my
time
off.
"
【在寒假期间探索新的爱好和技能是度过休息时间的好方式。
】
7.
"From
baking
delicious
treats
to
enjoying
classic
movies,
my
winter
break
was
filled
with
simple
pleasures.
"
【从烘焙美味的点心到欣赏经典电影,我的寒假充满了简单的乐趣。
】
8.
"I
spent
my
winter
break
traveling
and
experiencing
new
cultures,
a
truly
enriching
experience.
"
【我在寒假期间旅行并体验了新文化,这是一个真正丰富的经历。
】
9.
"My
winter
break
was
a
time
to
reconnect
with
old
friends
and
make
new
ones,
strengthening
my
support
system.
"
【我的寒假是重新与老朋友联系和结交新朋友的时间,加强了我的支持系统。
】
10.
"Trying
new
cuisines
and
cooking
together
with
family
made
for
memorable
moments
during
my
winter
break.
"
【尝试新的菜肴和与家人一起做饭,让我的寒假充满了难忘的时刻。
】
11.
"My
winter
break
was
a
time
to
catch
up
on
missed
sleep
and
restore
my
energy.
"
【我的寒假是补充睡眠和恢复能量的时间。
】
12.
"From
skiing
to
ice-skating,
my
winter
break
was
filled
with
fun
and
exciting
activities.
"
【从滑雪到溜冰,我的寒假充满了有趣和令人兴奋的活动。
】
13.
"My
winter
break
was
a
time
to
slow
down,
enjoy
the
little
moments
and
appreciate
the
beauty
around
me.
"
【我的寒假是放慢脚步,享受小事和欣赏周围美景的时间。
】
14.
"Relaxing
at
home
with
family
and
watching
the
snow
fall
outside
was
a
peaceful
way
to
spend
my
winter
break.
"
【在家与家人放松,观看外面的下雪是我过寒假的宁静方式。
】
15.
"I
spent
my
winter
break
volunteering
and
giving
back
to
my
community,
a
fulfilling
and
rewarding
experience.
"
【我在寒假期间参加志愿活动,回馈社区,这是一个充实和有意义的经历。
】
16.
"From
hot
cocoa
to
cozy
blankets,
my
winter
break
was
all
about
staying
warm
and
comfortable.
"
【从热可可到舒适的毯子,我的寒假全是关于保持温暖和舒适。
】
17.
"My
winter
break
was
a
time
to
disconnect
from
technology
and
focus
on
real-life
connections.
"
【我的寒假是断开与科技的联系并专注于现实生活的时间。
】
18.
"By
taking
courses
and
learning
new
skills,
my
winter
break
was
a
time
of
personal
and
professional
growth.
"
【通过参加课程和学习新技能,我的寒假是个人和职业成长的时间。
】
19.
"My
winter
break
was
a
chance
to
embrace
the
season
and
enjoy
all
that
winter
has
to
offer.
"
【我的寒假是拥抱季节和享受冬天所有美好的机会。
】
20.
"From
building
snowmen
to
sipping
hot
tea,
my
winter
break
was
all
about
simple
pleasures
and
quality
time.
"
【从建造雪人到品尝热茶,我的寒假全是关于简单的快乐和优质的时间。
】