1.
"Never
give
up
on
something
you
believe
in,
even
if
it
takes
you
a
hundred
tries
to
get
there.
"
【励志句子】
2.
"Treat
others
the
way
you
want
to
be
treated,
and
watch
as
kindness
opens
doors
you
never
thought
possible.
"
【温柔句子】
3.
"Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【励志句子】
4.
"The
road
to
success
is
never
easy,
but
with
perseverance
and
a
positive
attitude,
you
can
overcome
any
obstacle.
"
【励志句子】
5.
"Be
the
light
that
shines
in
darkness,
and
spread
hope
wherever
you
go.
"
【温柔句子】
6.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
your
abilities,
for
the
only
limits
in
life
are
the
ones
you
set
for
yourself.
"
【励志句子】
7.
"Happiness
is
not
something
you
pursue,
it's
something
you
create
within
yourself.
"
【励志句子】
8.
"Love
is
strong
enough
to
conquer
any
fear
or
doubt,
and
can
bring
joy
to
even
the
darkest
of
days.
"
【温柔句子】
9.
"Don't
let
the
opinions
of
others
define
who
you
are,
for
you
are
the
master
of
your
own
destiny.
"
【励志句子】
10.
"Kindness
is
a
language
that
everyone
understands,
and
can
change
the
world
one
small
act
at
a
time.
"
【温柔句子】
11.
"Believe
that
you
can
make
a
difference,
and
watch
as
your
efforts
inspire
others
to
do
the
same.
"
【励志句子】
12.
"True
strength
is
not
found
in
physical
prowess,
but
in
the
ability
to
face
your
fears
and
keep
moving
forward.
"
【励志句子】
13.
"Choose
love
over
hate,
and
watch
as
it
transforms
your
life
and
the
lives
of
those
around
you.
"
【温柔句子】
14.
"Success
is
not
about
how
many
times
you
fall,
but
about
how
many
times
you
get
back
up
and
try
again.
"
【励志句子】
15.
"Be
the
person
who
brings
sunshine
to
others,
and
watch
as
your
own
life
becomes
brighter.
"
【温柔句子】
16.
"Believe
that
anything
is
possible,
and
you
will
find
the
strength
to
turn
your
dreams
into
reality.
"
【励志句子】
17.
"Forgiveness
is
a
gift
you
give
to
yourself,
and
it
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds.
"
【温柔句子】
18.
"Chase
your
passions
with
all
your
heart,
and
watch
as
the
universe
conspires
to
help
you
succeed.
"
【励志句子】
19.
"Be
the
reason
someone
smiles
today,
and
know
that
you
have
made
a
difference
in
the
world.
"
【温柔句子】
20.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
your
own
potential,
for
it
can
take
you
places
beyond
your
wildest
dreams.
"
【励志句子】