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1.
爱是一杯幸福的甜酒,喜宴婚纱见证爱的誓言【Love
is
a
glass
of
sweet
wine,
and
the
wedding
gown
witnesses
the
promises
of
love.
】
2.
婚纱的细节,诉说着我们的爱情故事【The
details
of
the
wedding
gown
tell
our
love
story.
】
3.
爱情如同喜宴的美食,每一口都是甜蜜的回味【Love
is
like
the
delicacies
at
a
wedding
banquet,
each
bite
is
a
sweet
memory.
】
4.
爱情像婚纱的花边,细致而精美,点缀着幸福的时刻【Love
is
like
the
lace
on
a
wedding
gown,
delicate
and
exquisite,
embellishing
moments
of
happiness.
】
5.
喜宴婚纱,见证着我们追逐幸福的旅程【The
wedding
gown
witnesses
our
journey
to
pursue
happiness.
】
6.
真爱就像婚纱的宝石,璀璨而耀眼【True
love
is
like
the
gemstone
on
a
wedding
gown,
shining
brightly.
】
7.
双手相握,心心相印,喜宴婚纱见证我们的神圣约定【Holding
hands,
hearts
connected,
the
wedding
gown
witnesses
our
sacred
vows.
】
8.
爱情是喜宴的鲜花,绽放笑意和希望【Love
is
the
blooming
flowers
at
the
wedding
banquet,
radiating
smiles
and
hope.
】
9.
婚纱是我们爱情的梦幻舞台,让憧憬在这里开放【The
wedding
gown
is
the
dream
stage
of
our
love,
where
our
aspirations
come
to
life.
】
10.
喜宴婚纱,见证了我们的爱情成长和成熟【The
wedding
gown
witnesses
the
growth
and
maturity
of
our
love.
】
11.
爱是喜宴的欢歌,婚纱是它们的舞蹈伴奏【Love
is
the
festive
song
at
the
wedding
banquet,
and
the
wedding
gown
is
its
accompanying
dance.
】
12.
喜宴婚纱,承载着我们的纯真与希望【The
wedding
gown
carries
our
innocence
and
hope.
】
13.
爱情如同喜宴的烟火,绚烂而不可忘【Love
is
like
the
fireworks
at
a
wedding
banquet,
brilliant
and
unforgettable.
】
14.
喜宴婚纱见证了我们心灵的共鸣和契合【The
wedding
gown
witnesses
the
resonance
and
harmony
of
our
souls.
】
15.
与你的每一天,都是一场喜宴,婚纱是我们的庄重约定【Every
day
with
you
is
a
wedding
banquet,
and
the
wedding
gown
is
our
solemn
promise.
】
16.
爱情是喜宴的烛光,婚纱是它们的温柔呢喃【Love
is
the
candlelight
at
the
wedding
banquet,
and
the
wedding
gown
is
their
gentle
whisper.
】
17.
喜宴婚纱,让我们的爱如诗如画,美不胜收【The
wedding
gown
makes
our
love
poetic
and
picturesque,
capturing
endless
beauty.
】
18.
爱情是喜宴的浪漫,婚纱是它们的梦幻奏鸣曲【Love
is
the
romance
at
the
wedding
banquet,
and
the
wedding
gown
is
their
dreamlike
symphony.
】
19.
喜宴婚纱见证了我们的坚定和承诺【The
wedding
gown
witnesses
our
determination
and
commitment.
】
20.
爱情如同破晓的第一缕阳光,喜宴婚纱为我们织就美好的未来【Love
is
like
the
first
ray
of
sunlight
at
dawn,
and
the
wedding
gown
weaves
a
beautiful
future
for
us.
】